The other day, I took Alistair out for a walk in his jogging stroller. Usually, the instant his five point harness snaps shut, his eyes close with equal ferocity and he’s out for the duration of the stroll. But this time, his baby blues were open wide in amazement. Birds, trees, cars and tall buildings – […]

In the little white casket sat a pair of blue booties, knit with love. I was nineteen and in my second year of college. There was this certain, red headed boy that I’d been dating for a few months and I was busy working on my commercial pilots license. When we weren’t wandering our way through an Albertan blizzard, […]

In our house (following a tradition that dates back to my husband’s childhood) every Friday night is PIZZA NIGHT. And now, with this recipe, you can kick off your weekend the right way too. I call it “Swedish pizza” but really, it derives its name from the fact that my husband and his family are so […]


Hi, I’m Liz! I am a writer, mama of eight (three in my arms, five in heaven), slurpee enthusiast, and avid reader. I started blogging after a stillbirth and four miscarriages, and am passionate about finding beauty within the stories we’ve been given. In addition to writing about all things faith, motherhood, and grief-related, I am currently working on my first novel.

As you dive into this blog, I pray that this will be a space where you’ll feel less alone. A place where messy and mundane collide into something to be savoured — and where we can journey through the triumphs and the sorrows together. May this be a place of laughter and hope, reflection and community.

Most of all, may this be a place where our stories continually echo the faithfulness and great, saving grace of Christ.

Welcome, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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