Usually, I consider myself a pretty good skater. I grew up on the ice and spent a fair number of Saturday’s wheeling around the neighbourhood on a pair of inline rollerblades. So, finding myself wobbling around the rink, clutching at the sideboards, was a new experience for me. A couple weeks ago, Andreas and I persuaded the grandparents to babysit our […]

When it comes to picking out a gravestone, some cemeteries only allow for markers so as not to disturb the natural appearance of the landscape. A marker is a flat headstone, compared to upright headstones which are called monuments. The price of our 20×12 baby sized marker was more than the funeral and came complete with a granite base, name, date, […]

As a child, the first signal of an approaching Easter was always the night that we’d get to dye eggs. The table would be set with glasses of brightly coloured water and a dozen, gleaming, hard boiled eggs would await each of us. We’d begin to dip and dunk the little white ovals, excitedly watching them transform before our very […]


Hi, I’m Liz! I am a writer, mama of eight (three in my arms, five in heaven), slurpee enthusiast, and avid reader. I started blogging after a stillbirth and four miscarriages, and am passionate about finding beauty within the stories we’ve been given. In addition to writing about all things faith, motherhood, and grief-related, I am currently working on my first novel.

As you dive into this blog, I pray that this will be a space where you’ll feel less alone. A place where messy and mundane collide into something to be savoured — and where we can journey through the triumphs and the sorrows together. May this be a place of laughter and hope, reflection and community.

Most of all, may this be a place where our stories continually echo the faithfulness and great, saving grace of Christ.

Welcome, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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