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To The Mama Miscarrying Right Now

I know you’re looking for answers. For reassurance. You’ve stumbled onto this blog after a quick Google search, desperately hoping for a miracle. You’re praying that the doctors were wrong. The ultrasound results must be wrong — oh, please God, let them be wrong. You’re praying that the blood you found on your panties this morning really is […]

May 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

Over the past two years, I’ve heard from many people who want to participate in the Reading Challenge but are scared that they won’t be able to finish a book a week. And I always give the same reply — “More important than 52 books, is setting a goal for yourself and just having fun.” […]

Book Review: Outbreak by Davis Bunn

“The danger hasn’t passed — it’s just changed locations.” This new novel from Davis Bunn, “Outbreak” promises page-turning adventure as characters seek to find answers to a deadly viral outbreak. As someone who enjoys a good action book every once in a while, I was immediately hooked by the plot and eager to dive in.

April 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

Anyone else love the smell of a book? There’s just something about the way ink meets paper that brings such extra depth to a book. Not all books have the right kind of smell, but when they do, it’s almost magical. We’re a third of the way through the 2019 Reading Challenge, and I have to say, this […]


To The Mama Wearied And Worn, Come

Church life with a baby is hard. I forgot how hard. I haven’t heard a full sermon in over half a year now. The messages are fragmented: bits here and there, snatches of verses and sentences caught and quickly forgotten as I scurry out to quiet a hungry babe. I sit in the nursery, rocking […]

March 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

Another month of books checked off! For those following along with the challenge, we are just finishing up Week 13 — which means that we are already a quarter of the way through this challenge. Can you believe it? I feel like I’ve barely had any time to read this month, but I did manage […]

February 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

So, BIG news this month. **Drumroll….** I have now learned that you can rent library books directly onto your e-reader! (Haha, you should see the look of disappointment on your face right now. Like, Liz, come on! That is definitely NOT big news. Quite the opposite. We’ve been renting books for years!) Fine. Not big […]

Book Review: Once We Were Strangers by Shawn Smucker

“Once We Were Strangers” is a story about the blossoming friendship between two men: Shawn and Mohammad, a writer and a Syrian refugee. This book is a tangible response to the age-old question, “Who is my neighbour?” and “How do I love them?” We live in a world where fear presides: where reports about shootings […]

January 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

The first month of 2019 is drawing to a close and I can’t help but wonder where it’s disappeared to in such a hurry. So far, January has been full of cozy blankets and the remnants of my Christmas candy — a month of sugary fingers and good books. This year’s 2019 Reading Challenge has […]