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A Day Trip to Fjällbacka, Sweden

For years, Camilla Läckberg has remained firmly planted within my top ten favourite authors list. Her stories are beautifully written tales, intricately woven with characters and history and murder. And so, when my husband and I booked our summer vacation to Sweden, I had but one request — we had to visit the site where […]

Sneak Peek at New Book Cover!

I am SO excited to give you all a sneak peek at the cover of my new book, Embrace: Clinging to Christ Through the Pain of Pregnancy Loss. This book has been on my heart for so long now and it is an honour to share that with you. It’s not a book I wanted […]


Dear Kindergarten Teacher, You’re Missing One

To This Year’s Kindergarten Teacher, Your classroom is full. It bustles with kids in squeaky, new shoes and oversized backpacks. Some of their smiles are shy, their eyes wide and nerves evident. Others squirm and hop their way around the room, their energy radiating out through a little body that struggles to hold still. “Welcome […]

August 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

So this may be the “August reads” but if I’m being entirely truthful, half of these books were read last month. This month has been busy as I’ve been focused on my writing and haven’t had a ton of time to read. (In case you haven’t heard, I have some exciting book news on my […]

Nine Fun Board Games for Kids Under 5

I may not be a mama with a great capacity for imaginative play, but when it comes to board games, I’m all in! Sometimes, though, it can be challenging to find board games suitable for younger kids. Their attention spans are short. Their hand-eye-coordination is still developing. And they can’t always follow along with complex […]


Exciting Book News!

The words were barely audible — a quiet whisper to a bruised heart. Write. The newborn stirred sleepily in my arms, a slice of my heart set out for the world to see. But there was another bit of my heart that wasn’t so noticeable — a piece that belonged to the baby not in […]

July 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

We’re over halfway through this year’s reading challenge and I think I can safely say that I’ve found my favourite book of the year. But honestly? This was a good book month. Aviation history, time travel to one of my favourite eras, the story of an incredible life, and a fun alternate-reality style novel — […]


First There Were Two

We took this photo when there were two. On a warm, July night, five years ago – when the sand burned the bottoms of my soles and the air smelled like salt and heat. I held my belly between the palms of my hands and felt the tangle of limbs kicking within. Two boys tumbled […]

June 2019: Reading Challenge Reviews

Happy summer everyone! I can smell someone grilling BBQ outside of my window, and I am so ready for nice weather and sunny days spent by the lake (with a good book of course!) We’re off on a few getaways this summer so I am excitedly loading up my Kobo with new books. I’m not […]

Because He’s Dad

He sat beside you as you waited for the doctor to confirm the results — that little plus sign ready to change his world forever. He held your hand through the first ultrasound as you nervously waited to hear that first heartbeat. He went out for late night ice-cream runs, laughing with you about the […]